Created in 1987, Go Goshen (formerly Goshen Economic Development) is a nonprofit organization that encourages business growth, creates jobs, and builds on local community assets in five Wyoming municipalities—Fort Laramie, LaGrange, Lingle, Torrington, and Yoder— and the unincorporated communities of Hawk Springs, Huntley, Jay Em, and Veteran.

The Go Goshen umbrella of organizations includes Economic Development, Chamber of Commerce, Main Street, and Travel & Tourism.
In Goshen County, Small Business is Big Business—which is why our top priority is the retention and expansion of our current local businesses.
As the number one ag-producing county, we seek to recruit businesses that would be a good fit, particularly ag diversification opportunities.
The citizens of Goshen County were the first in Wyoming to approve a county sales tax for economic development.
Over the years, we’ve enjoyed strong support from local businesses and industry, city government, and the wonderful citizens of Goshen County.