See all the details on available grants below, including eligibility requirements, ways you can put these grants to use, and the deadline by which to apply.

The Community Pride Foundation can sponsor projects that don’t have tax-exempt status or the resources to handle charitable contributions. The sponsored organization benefits by having access to the Board’s financial and grant-making expertise, and the Community Pride Foundation gets an opportunity to work with important grass-roots community efforts. The Community Pride Foundation charges a 1% fee to serve as a fiscal sponsor.

To download the Community Pride Foundation application, click here

Grant Eligibility

Grants may be made to public schools, youth organizations, nonprofit organizations, and public/governmental agencies. Grants are not made to individuals.

About the Foundation

The Community Pride Foundation was established in 1996 to create a permanent tax-exempt entity to receive and distribute funds for the benefit of the Goshen County Community. The Foundation receives, invests, and disburses funds for any charitable purpose that proves benefits to the citizens of Goshen County. Volunteers, serving on the Board of Directors from all areas of the county administer the Foundation. Individuals, families, businesses, community organizations, and others may contribute to the Foundation.

The Community Pride Foundation is an appropriate choice for:

  • Tax-deductible gifts for specific projects or educational enhancement, memorial contributions, or tax-deductible bequests within a will; and
  • Tax-deductible gifts not designated for any specific purpose, but intended to benefit Goshen County.

The Foundation Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that the objectives of the donor are fulfilled, be it a single bequest, or the on-going funding of a special project. The ultimate objective is to provide an efficient entity to accept and administer funds in the manner prescribed by each donor. Project categories may include education, leadership, literature, the arts, science, heritage, recreation, community beautification, and youth activities.


Funding available for youth activities. (Arts, Athletic/sports, Education and Leadership) Awards typically range from $500 to $2,500. Grants of greater or lesser amounts will be considered and are limited to $10,000 per year.

How the Grant Program Works

The applicant will submit a completed application and provide cost estimates. Applicants have the option to present their project(s) to the Grant Committee. Applicants must submit a Final Report to be eligible for further funding.

Application and Deadlines

Applications and supporting materials must be received (not postmarked) by the grant consultant as of 4 p.m. on May 1st and November 1st.

Applications can be emailed, mailed (mail early to meet the deadline), or hand-delivered to:

Goshen Chamber
2042 Main Street
Torrington, WY 82240

Office hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, or by appointment.

For questions or more information, please email Moriah Harkins, Membership and Marketing Manager, or call (307) 532-3879.

The goal of Go Goshen’s Progress Program is to reinvest one-quarter cent sales tax funds back in Goshen County businesses and municipalities. Goshen County businesses are the lifeblood of Goshen County and it is vital that the economic development sales tax is reinvested to continue growth and prosperity.  Go Goshen is here to provide economic development support to Goshen County and its communities.

To download the grant application, click here.

Grant Eligibility

Goshen County businesses and non-profits.

Submitted applications will be reviewed for thoroughness and completeness. An incomplete application will be sent back to the applicant and will be ineligible for that quarter’s awards. Applications are the way to explain the economic development merit of the project and how it will benefit Goshen County.


Progress Program applications can be submitted quarterly and are eligible for only one award per fiscal-year. 

Application and Deadlines  

Applications are taken on a rolling basis.

Funds must be spent within 12 months of award.  A one-time six-month extension can be requested for approval by the board. Any awards that are not utilized within 12 months [or 18 months if previously approved], will be surrendered back to the Progress Program account.

The application will be vetted by staff for completeness and economic development merit. Applications will be copied to the Go Goshen Progress Program Committee for their review. The Progress Program Committee will produce a positive or negative funding recommendation to the Go Goshen Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will make the final determination. Applicants will be notified of the Board’s decision following the board meeting via email.

Construction projects are expected to show multiple bids for the project. Local bids receive preferential treatment. If local bids cannot be received, the applicant must prove that local bids were sought.

Examples of economic development merit:

  • Job Creation

  • Expansion into new markets

  • Increased payrolls

  • Increased sales tax revenues

  • Improvement to quality of life (Municipality)

Applicant must complete an application, cost estimates and multiple bids. The Progress Program will pay based on submittal of paid bills for the project completed. All projects require matching funds and must be submitted for pre-approval of project and labor BEFORE the project begins.

Project Funding and Match

  • A fifty percent (50%) match of the total project cost is preferred

  • Project may receive less funding than the amount requested in application

  • Go Goshen reserves the right to publicize awards

  • Applications will be reviewed quarterly, subject to funds availability on a first come – first serve basis

  • Go Goshen Board of Directors reserve the right to make final determination on all projects

Eligible Programs

Community Improvements

The quality of a community is crucial to its economic development and diversification efforts. Funds will be designated to provide funding for publicly owned infrastructure or other community improvements to serve the needs of businesses and citizens. Projects MUST relate to economic development. Multiple bids must be sought in order to qualify, preference is given to local contractors. If the project cannot be contracted locally, proof must be shown in the application.

  • Funding options:

    • Publicly Owned Infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Electric)

    • Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter

    • Roadways

    • Enhancements (Splash Pad, Artwork, etc.)

    • Signage (Must relate to attractions)

  • Eligible Applicants:

    • Municipalities located in Goshen County

    • Goshen County Government

*Community Improvement grants are only available to local government entities. Therefore, grant funds will be earmarked for each municipality until the 4th quarter of the Goshen Economic Development fiscal year. If funds are not applied for, the funds will transfer to the general Progress Program funds and will be eligible for awards in other categories. Municipalities should be applying for and utilizing these funds each fiscal year for projects to promote the quality of life in their respective communities.

Capital Improvements

Improvements to a business can pay dividends to businesses need for expansion. Funds will be designated to businesses that want to improve their building or place of business. Multiple bids must be sought in order to qualify, preference is given to local contractors. If the project cannot be contracted locally, proof must be shown in the application. Prove the economic development merit of the project in the application.

  • Funding options:

    • New Construction

    • Renovation as a result of an addition/expansion

    • Roofing and/or HVAC– not eligible

  • Eligibility:

    • Business located in Goshen County

    • Commercial space must be owned by the business owner or the lessee must provide a 5-year lease agreement

Facade and Signage

Building appearance and the overall aesthetic of commercial buildings help attract other business and enhance the appearance of the community. The façade grant is to help update the appearance of building frontage and/or signage for the business. Multiple bids must be sought in order to qualify, preference is given to local contractors. If the project cannot be contracted locally, proof must be shown in the application.

  • Eligibility:

    • Business located in Goshen County

    • Commercial space must be owned by the business owner or lessee must provide a 5-year lease agreement

Equipment Upgrade

Purchasing new equipment can be an expensive endeavor. Newer, more efficient equipment can pay dividends to business owners. Multiple bids must be sought in order to qualify, preference is given to local contractors. If project cannot be contracted locally, proof must be shown in the application.

  • Eligibility:

    • Business located in Goshen County

    • Technology upgrades and deferred maintenance are NOT eligible (examples include Computers, Printers, Monitors, HVAC, etc.)

E-Commerce Accelerator

This program is to encourage businesses to diversify by establishing or enhancing their online presence.

E-Commerce has become increasingly important due to COVID-19. It is a great way to keep local money, local. Multiple bids must be sought in order to qualify, preference is given to local contractors. If the project cannot be contracted locally, proof must be shown in the application.

  • Eligible Expenses:

    • Website creation (must include E-commerce capabilities)

    • E-commerce platform set-up and annual subscription fee (shopping carts, online security tools, membership, etc.)

    • App Creation

    • POS system upgrades necessary to integrate with e-commerce platforms

      • Contactless Payment

      • Online Reservations

    • Logo Creation

    • Social Accounts Established

    • Online ID: Claiming Google My Business, etc.

    • Marketing: Plan & Budget

  • Eligibility:

    • Businesses located in Goshen County

    • Businesses must be up to date on Sales Tax payments

  • Program Details

    • To qualify for the LAUNCH grant, the business cannot have a commerce-based online presence (social media presence does not apply)

    • To qualify for the AMPLIFY grant, the business must have an e-commerce site that can be improved.

Workforce Training

This program is meant to help Goshen County businesses train their workforce. This program could compliment Wyoming Workforce Development funding as Wyoming Workforce Training funds are becoming more competitive and awards have been cut.

  • Eligibility:

    • Businesses located in Goshen County

Special Projects

This program is meant for projects that do not fit the framework of the Progress Program but still carries economic development merit. These funds would have to be matched with other funding as the match table does not change. Examples of Special Projects include: Feasibility studies, Engineered and/or Architecture Drawings, Planning studies, etc.

  • Eligibility:

    • Businesses located in Goshen County.

    • Businesses planning on locating in Goshen County

The Goshen County Tourism Promotion Joint Powers Board [a.k.a. Goshen County Lodging Tax Board], is committed to providing promotion of travel and tourism throughout Goshen County, facilitating effective marketing programs in order to enhance and improve destination tourism, and earmarks funds for a Tourism Sponsorship Program.  

The Tourism Sponsorship Program provides grants to event organizers offering local, regional, and national public relations funding for events that in turn attract visitors and residents to Goshen County.  To date, the Goshen County Lodging Tax Board has awarded grants, approximately $321,000.00.

To download the grant application, click here.

Tourism Sponsorship Program Eligibility

Entities eligible to apply for grants must have the capability of attracting visitors to Goshen County and must have projects that will promote tourism within Goshen County.


The goals of the grant program are to attract more visitors to Goshen County, provide meaningful visitor resident interaction and positive benefits, support events that offer local, regional, and national public relations value, encourage collaboration between event producers, and promote self-sufficiency of the event.

How the Grant Program Works

The applicant will submit a completed application and provide cost estimates. Applicants have the option to present their project(s) to the Grant Committee. The Grant Program will reimburse funds based on the submittal of paid receipts and a Final Report of the project within sixty days of event completion. All invoices must be marked paid.

Application Deadline

Applications will be reviewed and awards are made at the next Lodging Tax Board Meeting. Applications and supporting materials must be received (not postmarked) as of noon on the first Tuesday of the following months:

First Tuesday of the month January, April, July, and October.

Applications can be emailed, mailed (mail early to meet the deadline), or hand-delivered to:

Goshen Economic Development

110 W 22nd Ave

Torrington, WY 82240

Office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday or by appointment.

For questions or more information, please email Brayden Connour, CEO of Goshen Economic Development, or call (307) 532-5162.