Hawk Springs is a picturesque natural playground that attracts visitors from Wyoming and beyond.

a pasture at sunset with a butte in the distance

About Hawk Springs

Hawk Springs is a small village conveniently located along U.S. Highway 85. The state recreation area just southeast of town is a destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike, and the Hawk Springs Reservoir offers up exceptional opportunities for bird watching, boating, fishing and more.

Hawk Springs Demographics

Total Population – 44

     Population Growth Rate – -0.24%

     Median Age – 40

     Diversity Index – 16.600

Households – 22

     Total Housing Units – 36

          Owner Occupied – 5

          Renter Occupied – 14

          Vacant – 39

     Median Home Value – $193,750

     Average Home Value – $236,765

Income Growth Rate

     Median Household Income – -0.48%

     Per Capita Income – 1.81%

Income Projection

     Median Household – $51,627 – $55,283

     Average Household – $64,738 – $75,812

     Per Capita – $24,102 – $26,364

Total Businesses – 2

     Total Employed – 3

     Workers 16+ – 0

          Agriculture / Forestry / Fish / Hunt

               Businesses – 1

               Employed – 3

     Some High School – 1

     Graduated High School – 7

     Associates Degree – 3

     Bachelor’s Degree – 6

     Graduate Degree – 3