The work we get to do here at Goshen Economic Development is possible only because we have generous neighbors like you! Each year that you’ve chosen to renew the ¼ penny sales tax, which funds our Progress Program, we’ve been able to put those collected funds to work—a total of $1.2 million, to be exact—right here in our community.

For example, because we have neighbors like you:

Landowners without a tractor have an affordable way to complete area seeding.

Both the Lingle-Fort Laramie Conservation District and North Platte Valley Conservation District used their Progress Program funds to purchase a small, no-till drill for their community. Each District rents out the drill (for an affordable price) to local landowners who need to complete area seeding but don’t have a tractor of their own.

a group of people holding a check in front of a piece of agriculture equipment

Every Goshen County community has wayfinding signs.

The Goshen County Promotion Joint Powers Board (Lodging Tax Board) put their Progress Program funding toward adding wayfinding signs in every Goshen County community. By showcasing the locations of places like public parks, swimming pools, and campsites, the signs make it easy for locals and out-of-towners alike to get around town and find exactly where they want to go.

a map of the town of Yoder in a park

Goshen County library patrons get to enjoy 24/7 Wi-Fi and new computer equipment.

At the Goshen County library, Progress Program funds made it possible to bring in new computer equipment for library patrons—including a router that boosts the WiFi signal so it’s accessible from the library parking lot 24/7!

two women holding a check in a bookstore
a graphic for the 1/4 penny sales tax

Those are just a few of the projects we’ve accomplished together… and, as long as the ¼ penny sales tax continues, there will be many more to come! We’re so proud to be your neighbors. When it comes to community, no one makes us happier to be part of this one than the people we share it with!