November 18, 2022

Photo includes: Senator Cheri Steinmetz (left), Roger Wunder, Shanna Smith, LFLCD Chairman Donald McDowell, LFLCD Linda Nichol, LFLCD – Urban Jenna Meeks, LFLCD District Manager Karen Johnson, LFLCD Board Treasurer Dave Johnson, GED President Scott Prusia, Mike Smith

Lingle, WY — Goshen Economic Development (GED) and Lingle-Fort Laramie Conservation District (LFLCD) celebrated the move to a new location with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. It was a homecoming of sorts, as LFLCD’s new office on 244 Main Street, Lingle, WY, is where the organization previously resided until 1984. Now, 38 years later with a renovation to accommodate their team, they are back within their district. Programs provided by the conservation district include providing trees for residents to plant, machine rental and providing educational resources. Proud to partner with local conservation districts, GED awarded LFLCD a total of $12,500 in Progress Program funds in recent years to help with the purchase of two No-Till Drills. The drills are rented out to area landowners at a reasonable cost. LFLCD continues in the pursuit of its mission to provide leadership in the wise and sustainable use of natural resources.